余习惠,刘中阳.从王国维到“失语症”[J].,2004,5(4):80-82,88 |
从王国维到“失语症” |
Study on the Cause of the "Aphasia" of the Chinese Literary Theory in the Aspect of Wangguowei''''s Innovation in Academic Research |
修订日期:2004-06-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 文论 "失语症" 西方文化 传统文化 王国维学术精神 |
English Keywords:Literary theory,"Aphasia",Western culture,Traditional culture,Innovation spirit. |
Fund Project: |
YU Xi-Hui LIU Zhong-yang |
摘要点击次数: 974 |
全文下载次数: 2 |
中文摘要: |
王国维在学术研究上充满了创新精神.在借鉴西方思想、继承传统文化中,坚持创新,是王国维文学理论取得成功的关键.可是,"失语症"论者将现当代文学理论的病态归罪于中西文化的碰撞与替换,而将出路寄托于对传统的回归,这是与客观的历史情理相违背的."失语症"论既缺乏表述的准确性,又缺乏病态判断的确切性,更缺乏医治的疗效性.中国现当代文学理论患的是"失创症",医治的良方是创新! |
English Summary: |
Wangguowei's academic research is innovative for he not only inherits Chinese traditional culture but also combines it with the western literary theory, which brings him to a great success. But some searchers thought that the "aphasia" of the Chinese literary theory was caused by the collision between the Chinese culture and the western culture and the substitute of the Chinese culture by the western culture. They insisted the Chinese literary theory should go back to tradition. But objectively speaking, it is not quite to the point of the historical event, for it is lack of conciseness in expressionm, accuracy in diagnosis, and even efficiency in treatment. If we may say that the contemporary literary theory suffers from the "aphasia", then the best way to treat it is to give innovation to Chinese literary theory. |
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