Habemas'''' Idea and Its Reasonable and Unreasonable Sides
中文关键词:  哈贝马斯  科学技术即意识形态  合理性  非合理性
English Keywords:
Fund Project:
LIU Jing-liang
摘要点击次数: 786
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Habermas is the main representative in the second generation of western Marxist Frankfurt's faction. He didn't simply repeat others' "society animadvert theories", but is along the Marcuse's thinking way that "the rationality of the craft is the core of new ideology", put forward that "technology is ideology" and replaced the animadvert to the Capitalism society with the one to the science technical. Habermas' standpoint contained both reasonable and unreasonable sides. The anthor expounds these two sides, which will promote the marxist ideology theory.
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