Up to Date - a New Visual Angle of Constructing the Ethos of Contemporary China
中文关键词:  与时俱进  民族精神  时代精神  科学理性  人文精神
English Keywords:up to date,ethos,the spirit of the times,scientific reasonableness,human spirit
Fund Project:
LIU Chen Fei-ran  LEI Ya-cheng
摘要点击次数: 923
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The ethos is the organic unification of ethnic quality and epoch-making quality, at the same time it is a dynamic system with many angles which continuously sublets itself along with the changing ages. Beginning with explaining the interactive symbiosis relation of the ethos and the spirit of the times, this paper points out the necessity and basic dimensions of the contemporary ethos construction: the epoch-making quality and traditional quality unify in a high degree,scientific quality and opening quality circulate each other .Thereby it establishes that what contemporary China needs to construct is a kind of ethos combining scientific reasonableness and human spirit. Both of them are just like the two wheels of a carriage and the two wings of a bird during the process of promoting socialism modernization construction, and not a single one of them can be dispensed with.
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