The Present Situation and the Countermeasure for Development of Chinese Building-coating Market
中文关键词:  建筑涂料市场,现状,对策
English Keywords:Building-coating market,present situation,countermeasure
Fund Project:
LIU Sheng-xue  WANG Xiao-guang  TAN Jun-hong
摘要点击次数: 744
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      The market's latent capacity of building-coating become very tremendous in our country, there will be a changeable situation and a fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents in the coming years. Facing the tremendous market's opportunities and fierce market's competitions, how will the building-coating enterprises of China reply? The author of this paper puts forward concrete countermeasure on the basis of thorough analyses by contrasting with present situation of the domestic and foreign building-coating industry.
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