The Analysis of Some Problems on Marxism Chineselization
中文关键词:  马克思主义中国化,根基,起点,飞跃
English Keywords:marxism chineselization,basis,the starting point,progress
Fund Project:
JIANG Jian-bin
摘要点击次数: 986
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      Chineselization of Marxism is the combination of Marxism and the concrete practice in China. It makes Marxism characterized with Chinese national form. Marxism is applied as the theory, course, principle and policy of Chinese revolution and construction. Practice is the basis of Chineselization of Marxism. And the second Congress of the Communist Party of China is the historic starting point of it. The history progress of Chineselization of Marxism is the total connection of Marxism and the practice in China, producing new thought and creating new theory.
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