The Analysis on the Culture of Huxiang and Political Traditional Theory of Hunan Area
中文关键词:  湖湘文化,经世致用,区域政治传统,政治家群体
English Keywords:Huxiang culture,cause and use by generation,political tradition of area,politicians' colony.
Fund Project:
CHEN Tan  Yi Dan-ni
摘要点击次数: 1146
全文下载次数: 5
English Summary:
      This paper has probed into the view with traditional regional politics of Hunan in terms of the culture of Huxiang. From geographical postition of Hunan, the culture of Huxiang's characteristic and its passing, the paper analyzes Hunan regional politics traditional forming, scale of the politicians' colony of Hunan of each periods, characteristic and so on. At last, by the case of Hunan personage Mao Zedong, it proves further the influence of Huxiang culture on traditional regional politics of Hunan.
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