Reserach on Learning Strategies of College Foveign Language
中文关键词:  语言学习策略,二语习得
English Keywords:language-learning strategies,L2 acquisition
Fund Project:
QU Qiong  CHENG Ai-qun
摘要点击次数: 1026
全文下载次数: 4
English Summary:
      The focus of the research of language learning has shifted from the teacher perspectives to the student since the last century. It is well known now that the language learning is a cognitive process in which the learner factors play a decisive role. Therefore, a study of how language learners process the new language information, how they understand, tackle and retain the input, namely the learning strategy in foreign and second language learning, is attracting lots of discussions. In this paper, after the introduction of the latest theoretical principles of language learning strategies, the taxonomy of language learning strategies proposed by several researchers is outlined as well. It also takes into account the teacher's role in strategy training and the importance of strategy instructions in China.
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