Biolinguistics:A New Viewpoint of Linguistics Research
中文关键词:  生态语言学,基础理论,应用理论,发展前瞻
English Keywords:biolinguistics,foundational theory,applicable theory,future development
Fund Project:
HUANG Zhi-chang  SHU Jie-sheng
摘要点击次数: 1565
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Biolinguistics is a newly developed frontier subject based on biological language. Linguists expound the new theory of language species nature, language holo condition, language biological system and language evolvement discipline, which make the foundational theory of biolinguistics wider and more profound. The theory of "zero-exhaust" pragmatic ethnics, language fair, RLS engineering have a special significance in the practice of pragmatics. Biolinguistics provides a new viewpoint for linguistics research and its system would be better in the future.
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