The Defect in the System of Compensation for Damages of Divorce Used in Legal Application
中文关键词:  婚姻法,离婚损害赔偿责任,离婚损害赔偿制度
English Keywords:marriage law,system of compensation for damages of divorce,responsibility of compensation for damages of divorce.
Fund Project:
ZHOU xin  HU Qi-min  CHEN jian-xin
摘要点击次数: 1019
全文下载次数: 3
English Summary:
      The system of compensation for damages of divorce is a new law__system established in the revised marriage law. But, the affirmations of the act of agression, having faults or not and the fact of damages are unfavourable to legal practice, otherwise, the rules about its scope of application, burden of proof and litigation time in the marriage law and its judicial interpretation are not favourable to protect the benefit of the aggrieved party. So, this article puts up some suggestions to correct and overcome the faults and to perfect the system of compensation for damages of divorce.
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