The Study On the Right of Identity
中文关键词:  身份,身份权,身份权制度
English Keywords:identity,the right of identity,the system of the right of identity.,
Fund Project:
ZHANG Xian-min  LIANG Xin-ping
摘要点击次数: 1089
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      The right of identity is an important right of civil subject,and there was a special system about the right of identity in every people's history. Now all nations have established the right in their modern civil code. Compared with two western legal systems, china's civil law has not confirmed it fully.The right is related to the identity because it can express freedom, equity and independence of human.Therefore,it is important for us to discuss the system of the right of identity.This text intends to analyze its characteristic and other problems from the concept of the right of identity,and its historical process.
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