On the Choices of English Passive Forms Based on the Theory of Linguistic Adaptation
中文关键词:  被动句,选择,顺应理论
English Keywords:passive sentences,linguistic choice,the theory of linguistic adaptation
Fund Project:
HU Qi-hai  JIA De-jiang
摘要点击次数: 799
全文下载次数: 2
      在言语交际中英语被动句并非主动句的简单语法替换形式 ,而是有着特定的语篇、语用及修辞用途。我们在交际中使用句子的时候 ,除了注意句子的结构正确外 ,还要注意所选择的句子在特定上下文或语境中的适合性。文章根据顺应理论从语言的顺应性出发 ,从三个方面解释对被动句的选择 ,即对被动句的选择要顺应语境因素、语义因素和语言结构因素
English Summary:
      English passive sentences are not the solely simple substituting forms of their corresponding English active sentences, but possess particular textual ,pragmatic and rhetoric applications in verbal communication . In this paper, the choices of English passive sentences are to be discussed in terms of context, meaning and linguistic structure according to the theory of linguistic adaptation. The reasons for the choices are also explained in the paper.
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