Face Post-colonialism
中文关键词:  后殖民主义,后殖民理论,当代文论,文化交流
English Keywords:post-colonialism,post-colonialist theory,current theory of literature and art,cultural exchange
Fund Project:
YI Xiao-bin
摘要点击次数: 868
全文下载次数: 1
      20世纪后半叶 ,传统意义上的殖民主义在全球基本结束。同时 ,一种新的殖民主义———文化殖民主义悄然兴起 ,理论界称之为后殖民主义。放眼新时期文论 ,我们对西方大量的引进和借鉴 ,在某种程度上的确有效地推动了国内文艺理论、文艺思潮的发展和繁荣。这种引进和借鉴在一定程度上却导致了以欧美为文化中心的后殖民主义文化危机。这种现象确实应当引起文艺理论界的高度重视和警惕。然而 ,我们不能囿于后殖民主义理论 ,在中西文化交流问题上裹足不前 ,我们应该以一种跨文化的开放式姿态 ,直面后殖民主义 ,推动我国文论的现代化 ,促进其与世界文论的接轨
English Summary:
      At the end of the 20th century, the traditional colonialism came to an end all over the world. At the same time, a other form of colonialism'cultural colonialism came into being gradually, which was called post-colonialism in theory. It really promoted the development and prosperity of domestic theories and trend of thoughts in literature and art efficiently to some extent through introducing the western theories. However,it also resulted in the cultural crisis of post-colonialism based on European and American culture. Such phenomenon should be paid high attention in the literary and art circles. However, we can't be bigoted by post-colonialism theory and make no progress in cultural exchange between China and the west. We should, in an open manner with crossing culture, face post-colonialism and push forward the modernization of Chinese theory of literature and art and promote it to connect with the world's theories.
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