Determination on Desistance of Complicity
中文关键词:  共同犯罪,犯罪中止,有效性
English Keywords:complicity, desistance of crime, validity,
Fund Project:
LI Zhi-liang  LI Yang-chun
摘要点击次数: 848
全文下载次数: 1
      当前对于共同犯罪案件如何认定犯罪中止 ,学术界和司法实践中是仁者见仁 ,智者见智。文章首先列举了学界的几种关于共同犯罪中止认定的观点 ,然后根据刑法原则和有关共同犯罪与犯罪中止的理论分析了各自的不足之处。作者主张 ,共同犯罪中止的认定 ,应以行为人自动停止犯罪并有效地阻止其他共犯利用其先前行为继续实施犯罪或防止危害结果的发生为标准。这种有效性认定标准不是将共同犯罪看成共犯行为的简单相加体现了共同犯罪内部各个共犯行为的相互利用、相互依赖的关系。
English Summary:
      At present, both the judicial apparatus in practice and the jurists in research have quite different opinions on the issue of how to determine the desistance of crime among cases of complicity. The article, firstly, lists several opinions ever existing in determining desistance of crime of complicity. Then it analyzes the defects of each opinion according to principles of criminal law and theories of desistance of crime and complicity. The author thinks that the determining standard of desistance of complicity should be that the criminal has suspended the previous acts or prevented the emerging of harmful consequences. This standard does not regard complicity as the simple adding of joint offenses but reveals that there is mutual influence and dependence on each joint offensive action.
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