The Magic Weapon of Market-economy and the Cornerstone of Political Civilization
中文关键词:  民法文化传统,市场经济,政治文明,现代国家
English Keywords:cultural tradition of civil law,market-economy,political civilization,modernized country,
Fund Project:
ZHU Yu-mo  LIU Xin-xin
摘要点击次数: 883
全文下载次数: 4
      随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善 ,与之相呼应的民法典也呼之欲出。民法典的颁布实施 ,将是法制史上一件里程碑式的大事 ,标志着中国权利本位社会模式的构建 ,当代中国市民社会的生成。文章通过论述民法与市场经济和政治文明的关系 ,从而得见现代民法是市场经济的法宝、政治文明的基石 ,是现代化国家的治国利器。
English Summary:
      With the progressive improvement of our country's socialist market-economy, Civil Law is ready to come out at its call. The Law will be a milestone in legal system history, marking the construction of Chinese social model of right standard and the production of folk society in contemporary China. The paper concludes that modern civil law is the magic weapon of market-economy, the cornerstone of political culture and the efficient instrument of administrative countries.
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