王又保,李选艳,廖端芳.与时俱进也是马克思主义的灵魂[J].,2004,5(1):1-3,17 |
与时俱进也是马克思主义的灵魂 |
Progressing with Each Passing Day is also the Soul of Marxism |
修订日期:2003-11-20 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 与时俱进,三个代表,马克思主义,实事求是 |
English Keywords:Progressing with Each Passing Day,Three Representatives,Marxism,seeking truth from facts |
Fund Project: |
WANG You-bao LI Xuan-yan LIAO Duan-fang |
摘要点击次数: 840 |
全文下载次数: 2 |
中文摘要: |
文章根据江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”重要思想和“与时俱进”的观点 ,从辩证唯物主义出发 ,论述了认识客体的两个本质性必然要求 ,即实事求是和与时俱进。同时 ,论述了一部马克思主义的发展史就是一部实事求是和与时俱进史 ,从而提出与时俱进同实事求是一样 ,也是马克思主义灵魂的观点 |
English Summary: |
Based on the thought of "Three Representatives" and "Progressing with Each Passing Day" proposed by Comrade Jiang Zeming,and from the viewpoint of dialectical materialism, This paper argues the two essential and necessary requirements of recognizing objects, "seeking truth from facts" and "progressing with each passing day". Meanwhile, it discusses that the development of Marxism is also a history of seeking truth from facts and progressing with each passing day, thus the latter is the soul of the former. |
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