The Troubles and Innovation of Financing by Private Enterprises
中文关键词:  民营企业,信用担保体系,产业投资基金,金融租赁,融资创新
English Keywords:Key words:private enterprise,credit-insurance,industry investment fund,financing tenancy,financing innovation
Fund Project:
KONG Zheng-he  ZENG Zhi-lin
摘要点击次数: 1022
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      The troubles of financing hindered the development of private enterprises.Whether it can be solved is related to our economy. This text analyses the reasons of it and expounds the means of financing innovation in private enterprises by combining the current situation and trend of our economy:setting up assurance system, developing bond investment fund and financing tenancy, all of which can be contributed to development of financing channel and improvement of the financing environment.
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