The Research On Present Condition And Cultivation Of College Students Mental Health Consciousness
中文关键词:  大学生,心理健康意识,心理健康教育,对策
English Keywords:college students,mental health consciousness,mental health education,countermeasures
Fund Project:
ZOU Hai-gui  TANG Chun-lin
摘要点击次数: 1002
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      Developing good mental health consciousness of college students is a prerequisite and basic task for mental health education in colleges and universities. It points out that in general college students' mental health conditions are not optimistic. There exists four deviations: the lagging in realizing the value of mental health; the contradiction in knowing and acting it; the lack of knowledge concerning mental health and the indifference in mental health consultation. Besides, several countermeasures are proposed from the following perspectives: To popularize the knowledge on mental health, construct a good atmosphere on campuses, bring the function of college students' mutual mental aid into play and to build a highly qualified term consisting of college psychological consultative teachers.
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