Problems of Hengyang Secondary Vocational School Education and Its Countermeasures
中文关键词:  中等职业教育,困境,对策
English Keywords:secondary vocational school education,dilemma,cunntermeasures
Fund Project:
LIU Qiao-hua  FENG Xiao-ming
摘要点击次数: 1090
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Secondary vocational school education is the important part of china's education system and the key channel of cultivating useful talents. The problems of Heng yang secondary school education are as follows: crossed management, seperated system,imbalanced development,repeated majons, loose relation with market need, not enough investment,lack of equipment,etc. In order to realize the sustainable development of it, government, school and society must cooperate together according to the rules of socialist market economy.
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