黄知常.柔而趋刚 刚柔相济——从言语奢化禁则看语用法制化趋势[J].,2003,4(4):79-82
柔而趋刚 刚柔相济——从言语奢化禁则看语用法制化趋势
Softness to Hardness, Couple Hardness with Softness --On pragmatic tendency from the viewpoint of Language Wordiness prohibition
中文关键词:  言语奢化  禁则  语用法制化  柔而趋刚  刚柔相济
English Keywords:language wordiness,prohibited regulation,pragmatic dominance,from softness to hardness,softness and hardness in one
Fund Project:
HUANG Zhi-chang
摘要点击次数: 816
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Language regulation has the difference between regulated formal one and "habituated" informal one .As a formal language regulation, a series of concrete regulations on pragmatic dissimilation of language wordiness have been put forward in some recent related regulation issued by our country. All these prohibited regulation present the dominative tendency of language system creation and the characteristic of softness-hardness together as well. That is, pragmatic regulation has both humane closeness and softness, and the hardness of lawful strictness to execution.
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