On Perfection of Economic Dismissal System
中文关键词:  经济性裁员,裁员标准,劳动贡献补偿,就业保护
English Keywords:economic dismissal,dismissal standand.
Fund Project:
CHEN Jing-chun  Zhang Yi-chao  LU Ke-jian
摘要点击次数: 856
全文下载次数: 2
      经济性裁员制度赋予用人单位以较宽泛的劳动关系解除权 ,它是用人单位用人自主权的体现。通过裁员 ,用人单位可在一定程度上缓解经营困境 ,提高市场的竞争力。但如果用人单位滥用该权利 ,则会造成大量的劳动者失业 ,侵犯劳动者的合法权益 ,对国家、社会的稳定带来不利的影响。我国加入WTO后各企业的裁员行为将更加明显 ,更加频繁。因此我们有必要参照他国的做法并结合我国的实际对我国的经济性裁员制度予以完善。
English Summary:
      Economic dismissal system,endowing companies a fairly wide right of terminating labor relations, is an embodiment of independence.To some degree,companies can ease the operation tensions and improve their competitiveness through dismissal.However,it will result in unemployment in a large scale and the violation of employees' lawful right if overused.Thus the stability of our society will be affected greatly.The act of dismissal will be more obvious and used frequently after China's entry into WTO. Therefore it's necessary to perfect the economic dismissal system on the basis of consulting other counries'methods and the realities in China.
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