On the Partner''''s Core Competence and Its Building Up in Strategic Alliance
中文关键词:  战略联盟,合作伙伴,核心竞争力
English Keywords:strategic alliance,partner,core competence
Fund Project:
CHEN Jia-hua  ZOU Shu-liang  WANG Tie-li
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 3
      随着科学技术的迅猛发展 ,企业昔日的核心竞争力也辉煌不再。单凭企业的单打独斗已很难在市场上站稳脚跟。而战略联盟则是通过合作伙伴之间的资源共享、优势互补、共担风险、共享利润而形成独特的核心竞争力。文章分析了战略联盟合作伙伴核心竞争力独特之处 ,讨论了战略联盟合作伙伴企业核心竞争力的构建
English Summary:
      With the rapid development of science and technology, the previous core competences of enterprises are no longer available. One single enterprise can no longer keep its previous competitive advantages by its own power in the more and more drastic market competition. In strategic alliance, the partners build up their individual core competence through sharing their resources, superiorities, profits and risks. In this article, we analyzed the feature of the partner's core competence and discussed the way to develop and keep up the core competence in strategic alliance.
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