The Discussion of Industrial Cluster Development Mode for Small Manufacture Enterprises in China
中文关键词:  产业集群,制造型小企业,发展模式
English Keywords:industrial cluster,small manufacture enterprises,development mode,
Fund Project:
WANG Tie-li  ZOU Shu-liang
摘要点击次数: 886
全文下载次数: 3
      文章在对产业集群发展模式的理论分析基础上 ,指出推行产业集群发展模式 ,重要的是了解这种经验在什么条件下获得了成功和在不同条件下将会导致什么样的结果 ,并根据自己所处的生态环境研究出符合这种环境的集群模式和发展对策。并在研究我国制造型小企业所处环境的基础上 ,对我国现有的产业集群进行经验分析 ,提出了进一步推行产业集群发展的建议。
English Summary:
      Based on the analysis of the industrial cluster development, the article points out that it is important to summarize the experience of successful industrial cluster development mode, understand that different conditions can lead to different results. We should excogitate the proper industrial cluster mode according to the local entironment. The article investigates the environment of small manufacture enterprises in China, analyzes the current Chinese industrial cluster and puts forward some suggestions.
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