The Characteristics of Rural Township Enterprises and Strategies on Occupational Health Education
中文关键词:  乡镇企业,职业危害,职业健康教育
English Keywords:rural township enterprise,occupational hazards,occupational health education
Fund Project:
HE Xing-peng  YUAN Xiu-qin  DEN Xue-liang
摘要点击次数: 1112
全文下载次数: 1
      乡镇企业在我国经济发展中起着重要的作用 ,但目前乡镇企业生产技术水平低 ,劳动条件差 ,存在的职业危害问题十分突出 ,职业病的发病率呈逐年增高趋势。为了预防、控制和消除职业危害 ,防治职业病 ,保护劳动者健康 ,促进乡镇企业经济健康、迅速的发展 ,必须贯彻执行《职业病防治法》 ,加强乡镇企业的职业健康教育
English Summary:
      The rural township enterprises played an important role in economic development. But there are low manufacturing technique, bad work condition, and many occupational hazards in some rural township enterprises now. The cases of occupational disease increased in recent years. To prevent, control, and eliminate the occupational hazards and promote the health of the workers, we would carry out the law of prevention and cure of occupational disease and strengthen occupational health education.
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