Comments on the Translation of Couplets in Hong Lou Meng
中文关键词:  对联,语序,美学效果
English Keywords:couplets,word order,aesthetic effects,
Fund Project:
WU Wen-an
摘要点击次数: 818
全文下载次数: 2
      文章对《红楼梦》中几副对联的英译文进行了点评。对联的语言形式工整 ,内容丰富 ,含义深刻 ,美学价值高。文章从语序和美学效果两个方面对不同的英译文进行了分析和评价。
English Summary:
      In this thesis the author comments on the English versions of several couplets in the novel Hong Lou Meng. Chinese couplets are usually known for the regular linguistic forms, significant meanings and high aesthetic values. The author provides the analysis and comments on the English versions of the couplets from the perspective of word order and aesthetic effects.
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