尹少荣.青春的寂寞缥缈 爱情的憧憬轻柔——何其芳早期的象征诗[J].,2003,4(1):48-50
青春的寂寞缥缈 爱情的憧憬轻柔——何其芳早期的象征诗
The Misty Lonelines of Youth and the Soft Longing For Love--He Qifang''''s early symbolic poems
中文关键词:  象征派  传统诗词  寂寞  憧憬  如烟似梦
English Keywords:symbolic,traditional poems,loneliness,long for,dreamlike
Fund Project:
YIN Shao-rong
摘要点击次数: 814
全文下载次数: 2
English Summary:
      He Qifang's early works were influenced both by French symbolic and Chinese traditional poems. There's a dreamlike and melancholy melody in the misty gentle voice of the songs, expressing the loneliness of youth and the longing for love.
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