The Status Quo, Problem and Countermeasure of the Superior Industry and Key Enterprise Development in Hengyang City
中文关键词:  产业结构,骨干企业,优势产业,发展对策
English Keywords:industry structure,key enterprise,superior industry,development countermeasure
Fund Project:
ZHU Kai-xi  LU Fei-lan  DONG Rui-he  et al
摘要点击次数: 899
全文下载次数: 2
      优势产业和骨干企业的发展是一个地区经济发展的支柱。作者对衡阳市产业结构现状、骨干企业发展特点进行了深入调查 ,分析了衡阳市产业结构现状和骨干企业存在的问题及原因 ,并就如何抓住产业结构调整机遇 ,做大做强衡阳优势产业和骨干企业作了一些思考 ,提出了若干政策建议。
English Summary:
      The development of superior industry and key enterprise is a pillar of the region economic development.The authors investigated the status quo of industry structure and the traits of key enterprise in Hengyang, and analyzed the problems and reasons. How to grasp the opportunity of industry structure adjustment and how to make larger and stronger are deeply considered and some policy suggestions are presented.
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