On the Economic State--Discussion of creative role of government in economic globlization
中文关键词:  经济国家  经济全球化  政府角色创新  经济法手段
English Keywords:economic state,economic globlization,creative role of government,means of economic law
Fund Project:
CHEN Nai-xin  CHEN Dang-yang  PENG Fei-rong
摘要点击次数: 795
全文下载次数: 1
English Summary:
      Since human beings are engaged in commodity economy by the mode of socialization production,market economy has been playing an increasingly dominant role.And also economic globlization has become a tendency of social development.Therefore,the traits of a state as the Economic one have become more and more apparent.The so-called Economic state is one that has become an element of social material production and in which government is the organizer of economic living.Govermment is regarded as the subject of market competition from the perspective of economic globlization.Affer the entry into WTO,our state state should perform the function,create a new rote,make reasonable use of resources and enviroment,flourish our country through science and education and exploit manpower resources.The rights of justice,safety and freedom in competition are needed to protect China as a developing country by means of economic law.
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