Sustainable Development and Ecologic Technological Innovation
中文关键词:  技术创新生态化,可持续发展
English Keywords:ecologic technological innovation,sustainable development
Fund Project:
HE Xiao-ying  PENG Fu-yang  YANG Hui-chun
摘要点击次数: 974
全文下载次数: 1
      当今世界各国都在采取行动 ,促进可持续发展战略的实施。实现可持续发展已成为世界各国共同追求的目标。自 2 0世纪 70年代以来 ,知识增长 ,技术创新已经成为世界各国社会经济发展的最强大的驱动力。文章立足技术创新生态化与可持续发展的关系 ,重新审视传统技术创新观 ,正视、克服其生态缺陷 ,树立一种全新的技术创新观 ,实现技术创新的生态化转向 ,促进经济发展与生态平衡协调 ,走可持续发展的道路。
English Summary:
      Nowadays, all the countries in the world take actions to accelerate the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development, which has become the common cause for them to pursuit. Since 1970s,knowledge explosion and technical innovation gradually evolved to be the most powerful force to urge their modern social advancement and economic growth. Deduced from the relationship between sustainable development and ecologic technology innovations, this article has gained a new insight out of the traditional concept of technological innovations and perform the challenge fearlessly. By getting rid of the ecologic defect, we can set up a completely new concept of technological innovations, and undertake the ecologic transition of technological innovations, which would reinforce the coordination between economic development and ecologic protection.
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