On Deng Xiao - ping''s Theoretic Contribution to Multi - party Cooperation
中文关键词:  邓小平,民主党派,多党合作,理论贡献
English Keywords:Deng Xiao-pin,democratic parties,multi-party cooperation,theoretic contribution,
Fund Project:
TANG Chang-jiu
摘要点击次数: 773
全文下载次数: 1
      中国共产党领导的多党合作是我国一项基本政治制度。邓小平在总结经验教训的基础上 ,对新时期民主党派的性质、多党合作政治地位和基本方针等方面提出了一系列富有创造性的理论观点。邓小平对多党合作的理论贡献丰富和发展了马克思主义、毛泽东思想的统战理论和政党学说。
English Summary:
      The multi-party cooperation under the leadership of CPC is a basic political system of our country. Based on summarizing experiences and lessons, Deng Xiao-ping put forward a series of creative theories and viewed on the nature of the democratic parties, the political position and basic principle of multi-party cooperation and so on during the new period. Deng Xiao-ping's theoretic contribution to multi-party cooperation had enriched and developed the united front theories and the political party doctrines of Marxism and Mao Zhedong Thought.
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