Centre of Settling Accounts Inside Colleges and Universities
中文关键词:  结算中心,职能,管理,前景
English Keywords:centre of settling accounts,role,management,prospect
Fund Project:
HUA Wen-ying  CHEN Guo-min  CHEN Xi
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 5
      现代财务管理的核心是资金的管理 ,而高校内部资金结算中心就是以货币资金管理为中心 ,针对目前高校资金紧张现状 ,加强资金管理的职能部门。文章从高校内部资金结算中心存在的必要性、职能、管理、发展前景等方面略抒己见。
English Summary:
      The core of modern financial management is the fund management.The centre of settling accounts inside colleges and universities puts focus on managing currency fund and strengthening the role of managing department considering the present situation of fund shortage.The author analyses the necessity,the role,and the managing and developing prospect in order to relieve the shortage of fund,collect the unused fund,try to reap the fullest benefits of fund and then help bulid educational cause.
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