On Translation of Nicknames in A Dream of Red Mansions
中文关键词:  别名,《红楼梦》,翻译
English Keywords:nicknames,A Dream of Red Mansions,translation
Fund Project:
ZHOU Shao-ling  JIA De-jiang
摘要点击次数: 932
全文下载次数: 3
      人物别名翻译对艺术形象塑造有着极其重要的作用 ,而人物别名的翻译依赖于译者对文化背景的认知和理解以及译者对别名所包含的文化因素的处理。文章以文学著作《红楼梦》杨宪益 戴乃迭译本为蓝本 ,探讨了其人物别名英译 ,分析了译者对文化因素的处理方式 ,提出了笔者的一些想法和观点 ,旨在与读者共同寻求一条对人物别名翻译的完美途径。
English Summary:
      Translation of nicknames contributes greatly to modeling artistic images. Translation of nicknames depends on the translator's cognition of cultural background and the way of handling cultural factors. In this paper, taking A Dream of Red Mansions as the blueprint, the author have discussed the English versions of nicknames and analyzed the way of handling cultural factors, aiming at finding perfect English versions of Chinese nicknames.
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