Commentation On "Red Classics"
中文关键词:  “红色经典”,“历史情境”,批评标准
English Keywords:red classics,historical circumstances,standards of criticism,
Fund Project:
DONG Zheng-yu
摘要点击次数: 923
全文下载次数: 4
      “红色经典”是“17年文学”特定的“历史情境”的必然产物 ,其“史诗”性的创作追求一方面成就了“经典” ,另一方面也带来了其缺失 ;自“红色经典”诞生起 ,其随政治波涛起伏荣辱的历史命运更是当代文学史上的代表性现象。文章认为对经典的批评要以一定的文学理想境界作为每一位批评家的“果核”和“底子” ,从而在具体的“历史情境”下分析其文学意蕴 ,确立其文学史意义 ;轻易作出武断结论的批评态度是不可取的。同时文章也提出 ,当代文学要在新世纪开拓出一片新的天空 ,如何正确对待文学维度与政治维度关系仍是一个必须跨过的堤岸。
English Summary:
      Red classics" is produced under the specific historical circumstances of the Seventeen-year Literature. Its epic creatures make not only classics, but also shortcomings. Its fate, going up and down with the politics, is a representative phenomenon in modern literary history. This paper holds that literary criticism of classics should be based on some literary level. Analyzing the literary meaning in specific historical circumstances and making sure of the classics' historical status is what we should do. Any criticism made hastily is not feasible. Meanwhile, the author thinks that how to deal with the relationship between literature and politics is stilla hinder to us.
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