Cultural Teaching in English Major Education in New China
中文关键词:  教学大纲,教学计划,英语专业,文化教学
English Keywords:syllabus,teaching plan,English major,cultural teaching
Fund Project:
LIU Xiang-qing  HU Hong-yan
摘要点击次数: 854
全文下载次数: 3
      文章简要回顾了新中国英语专业教学中的文化教学的发展及其现状。从它的发展历史来看 ,文化教学愈来愈受到重视 ,这集中反映在国家先后颁布的教学大纲和各校的英语教学计划 /方案中。文章将湖南省有代表性的两所高等院校的英语专业教学计划 /方案与国家新近颁布的教学大纲进行对比分析 ,其结果说明我国英语专业文化教学的发展并不平衡 ,文化教学也还有待改进。
English Summary:
      This thesis begins with a brief introduction of the development of the cultural teaching in English major education in new China. From its progress, we can see that more and more attention has been paid to cultural teaching, which is reflected in the recently published syllabus and the teaching plans of many universities. But cultural teaching does not meet with different degrees of importance attached to it, which can be seen in the comparative studies of the teaching plans for English majors of Nanhua University and Hunan Normal University with the national syllabus in terms of cultural teaching.
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