On the Nature of the Relationship between Medical Units and Patients
中文关键词:  医患关系,民事法律关系,医疗服务合同关系
English Keywords:the relationship between medical units and patients,civil legal relationship,the relationship of medical service contract
Fund Project:
CHEN Yun-lai
摘要点击次数: 939
全文下载次数: 3
      医患关系是指医疗机构与患者之间在法律上的权利和义务关系。学术界对医患关系的性质有几种不同看法。作者认为医患关系应是民事法律关系中的医疗服务合同关系 ,理由有医患关系是民法所规范的一种社会关系等五点。
English Summary:
      The relationship between medical units and patients is the relationship of legal rights and legal obligations between medical units and patients. There are a few different views in academic circles on the nature of the relationship between medical units and patients.The anthor thinks that the relationship between medical units and patients is the relationship of medical service contract of civil legal relationship. There are five reasons, such as the relationship between medical units and patients being a social relationship adjusted by civil law,etc.
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