刘文晖.顺向思维与逆向思维 --英汉思维模式差异及其对翻译的影响[J].,2002,3(3):91-94
顺向思维与逆向思维 --英汉思维模式差异及其对翻译的影响
Successive Thought and Reverse Thought-Different Thought Patterns and Their Effects on Translation
中文关键词:  顺向思维,逆向思维,思维方式,调整,转换
English Keywords:successive thought,reverse thought,thought pattern,modification,transformation,
Fund Project:
LIU Wen-hui
摘要点击次数: 1798
全文下载次数: 2
      思维是客观事物的反映 ,思维内容具有全人类性。正由于思维内容的全人类性 ,各民族之间才可以通过语言的翻译进行思想交流。不同的民族因为生活的地理环境不同 ,历史发展各异 ,再加上语言本身的差异 ,导致了人们对统一客观事物有着不同甚至相反的观察角度和思维方式。因此在翻译中 ,翻译工作者不能只忠实于字面意义上的机械对等 ,而应用意识意义替代原语意义 ,使译文更符合译语习惯 ,更易于被读者所接受 ,因此对译文进行适当的调整和转换在所难免。对顺向思维和逆向思维进行的探讨便是行之有效的手段和途径
English Summary:
      Thought, with the same content of human being, is known to be a reflection of universe objects on which thought communication of different nationalities is based. Because of different geographic environment ,different historical development and difference of language itself, different nation has a different or even opposite view of the same thing. So, the translator should try his best to make his version acceptable to the target language readers by various means rather than mechanical equivalence. And thus, a suitable modification and transformation is unavoidable. Research and exploration of the transition between successive thought and reverse thought in this paper proves to be one of the most effective means and way to solve this problem.
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