Studies on the Metaphorical Conceptions of Emotional Expressions as Viewed from a Cognitive Perspective
中文关键词:  认知,情感隐喻,隐喻概念,情感表达,文化
English Keywords:cognition,emotional metaphor,metaphorical concept,and metaphorical expressions,culture
Fund Project:
CHEN Wen-cui
摘要点击次数: 846
全文下载次数: 2
      情感常常被看成是认知过程中的主观体验 ,不含概念容量的抽象概念。然而情感这一抽象的概念往往可通过隐喻概念再现。文章通过对英汉情感隐喻大量实例的分析 ,总结归纳出常见的五种隐喻概念。这些隐喻概念的运用 ,一方面说明了隐喻认知的普遍性和各民族认知存有的共性 ,同时我们也看到受自身民族社会文化等因素的影响 ,隐喻概念系统的运作中也有一定的跨文化的差异。此外 ,这些隐喻概念使我们认识到 ,既有抽象意义又有生理体验的情感实质上蕴涵着丰富的生理概念意义
English Summary:
      In the process of cognition,feelings are generally regarded as subjective experiences and abstract notions without any conceptual capacity . However, the abstract notions in emotional field are usually expressed via the metaphorical concept. In this paper, a large number of emotional metaphors from both English and Chinese are analyzed and five types of metaphorical concept are extracted. The application of the metaphorical concepts suggests the universality in the metaphor cognition, which is common among all nations. It also demonstrates the subtle distinctions in the detailed application of metaphorical concept due to national, social, and cultural differences. Furthermore, the metaphorical concepts make us realize that personal feelings, characteristic of both abstract sense and physical experiences, actually have a vast reservoir of physiological conception.
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