李英.古代颜色观的发展 --《说文》糸部颜色字考[J].,2002,3(3):70-72
古代颜色观的发展 --《说文》糸部颜色字考
A Cultural Study of Words about Colour with Mi Bu( 糸部)in Shuowen Jiezi (说文解字)
中文关键词:  糸部颜色词,五色观,正色,间色
English Keywords:the words about colour with Mi Bu,the opinion of five colours,the main colours,the secondary colours
Fund Project:
LI Ying
摘要点击次数: 914
全文下载次数: 1
      文章通过对《说文解字》糸部颜色字的字型分析 ,探讨其反映的文化内涵 ,并进一步揭示古人颜色观所具有的现代意义
English Summary:
      The paper attempts to make an analysis of the words about colour with Mi Bu in Shuowen,and points out the cultural content of it.In addition,the authors show the modern meaning of the ancient opinion about colour.
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