The Syntax- rhetoric Study of Tang Poetry in Classical Chinese Poetics
中文关键词:  古代诗论,句法修辞,唐诗
English Keywords:classical Chinese poetics,syntax,syntax-rhetoric,Tang poetry,
Fund Project:
DUAN Cao-lin
摘要点击次数: 799
全文下载次数: 1
      以诗话为代表的传统诗论 ,在“句法”方面也留下了不少的评点文字 ,但严格意义上的句法修辞研究则不多见 ,文章对唐诗句法修辞研究史的回顾 ,主要关注诗论中直接的唐诗句法修辞论 ,适当地收录一些跟修辞研究有密切关系的关于“句法”的论析。传统诗论对唐代近体诗中的语序变化、虚词运用和修辞的关系谈得很多 ,但总体而言 ,传统诗论中的唐诗句法修辞研究有明显的局限性
English Summary:
      In traditional poetics, there could be found many words about syntax but only a little proper study of syntax-rhetoric. This historical retrospect will discuss mainly on those direct syntax-rhetoric studies of Tang poetry, sometimes on the syntax studies with which the rhetoric studies had close relationship. Traditional poetics talked much about the relationship between the changing of word order, the use of empty words and rhetoric, though the syntax-rhetoric studies of Tang poetry in them were limited clearly.
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