陈乃新,彭飞荣,卢克建.论所用权 --与民法所有权的比较分析[J].,2002,3(3):44-50
论所用权 --与民法所有权的比较分析
On the Right of Utilizing Own - labour--the Analyse Compared With the Ownership
中文关键词:  民法(外)物权,所有权,经济法(内)物权,所用权,结合权,创造权,分享权
English Keywords:the (external) jus rerem,the property right,the Internal Real Right of economic law,the right of utilizing own-labour,the right of combination,the right of creation,the right of share
Fund Project:
CHEN Nai-xin  PENG Fei-rong  LU Ke-jian
摘要点击次数: 768
全文下载次数: 1
      所有权是民法 (外 )物权的核心 ,而所用权则是经济法 (内 )物权的核心。创设所用权具有重大的理论意义和实践意义 ,因为这是在财富创造的竞争中赋予人们一种新的权利并使之得到法制的保障 ,这有利于我们坚持“发展才是硬道理”的原则 ,从而把我国的经济建设搞得更好
English Summary:
      It is pointed out that the ownership is the core of the (external) jus rerem while the right of utilizing own-labour is the core of the Internal Real right of economic law. And it is vital for us to create the right of utilizing own-labour in theory and practice because it can invest people with a new right in competition of creating property and make it be protected by making economic law. This is the expression that the development is the fundamental principle in practice and it will make our country become more prosperous.
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