On the Pithiness and the Practical Significance of Chinese Traditional Philosophy
中文关键词:  中国传统哲学,精粹,现实意义
English Keywords:Chinese traditional philosophy,pithiness,practical significance
Fund Project:
ZHOU Xiao-yang
摘要点击次数: 1153
全文下载次数: 2
      中国传统哲学博大精深 ,内藏丰富的珍宝。运用马克思主义立场、观点和方法 ,批判地吸收“天人合一”观、朴素矛盾观、“知行统一”观、“民本人和”观以及“中庸之道”等精粹思想的精华 ,并加以发扬光大 ,具有重大的现实意义
English Summary:
      There are extensive knowledge and profound scholarship in Chinese traditional philosophy.It is of great in mediate significance to critically assimilate and carry forward in accordance with Marxist the essences of the pithy thoughts of Chinese traditional philosohy,such as:"Heaven and man combine into one";"the naive concepts of contradiction";"the Unity of knowledge and practice";"Peole are the root of a country and people should unite and coordinate within their own ranks" and "the doctrine of the mean".
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