View of Quality in Generalized Higher Education
中文关键词:  高等教育,大众化,多元质量观
English Keywords:higher education,generalization,multiplized view of quality,
Fund Project:
LIU Jian-guo  QI Ye-guo
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 4
      现代高等教育建立在多元高等教育质量观基础上 ,不同的高等教育质量观是在高等教育的历史分化中形成和发展起来的。大众化时代是多种高等教育质量观并存的时代 ,不同质量要求构成了高等教育层次分工的基础。我国高等教育大众化时代同时存在着学术质量观、社会需要质量观、个人导向质量观、市场导向质量观 ,不同的高等学校在这不同的质量观中应有不同的选择和侧重 ,应该有各自的主导质量观。
English Summary:
      Modern higher education is based on a multiplized view of quality in higher education ,which originates from and develops in the history of higher education. The age of generalized education is an age when multiple views of higher education quality coexist and form the basis for the differentiation of levels in higher education. In China, there are views of academic quality, social demand quality, individual oriented quality, and market oriented quality. Different colleges and universities should make different choices and have their dominant view of higher education quality.
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