Exploxing the Education of Doing Pioneering Work in Universities and Colleges
中文关键词:  创业型人才,创业教育,创业素质,培养途径
English Keywords:pioneering personnel,pioneering education,pioneering quality,ways of training.,
Fund Project:
LIU Sheng-xue  ZHANG Xin-hua  LIU Fang-ju
摘要点击次数: 700
全文下载次数: 5
      新的世界经济形势 ,对高等教育的人才培养提出了新的要求。文章指出了创业型人才培养的世界性潮流 ,并提出了应将创业教育、创业型人才培养作为我国高等教育深化改革的重要措施。在此基础上 ,对在我国的高等教育中如何开展创业教育提出了一些观点。
English Summary:
      The new world economic situation requires the qualified personnels with higher education.This paper presents the world-wide trend of training pioneering personnels, and points out that the education of how to do pioneering work and how to develop pioneering personnels are the important measures for the further reform of higher education.Based on these analysis,this paper offers some suggestions on carrying out the education of how to do pionnering work.
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