张昀韬.重获灵魂的漫长旅程 --试论奥尼尔戏剧的古希腊悲剧精神[J].,2002,3(2):68-71
重获灵魂的漫长旅程 --试论奥尼尔戏剧的古希腊悲剧精神
The Long Journey of Regain the Soul
中文关键词:  戏剧文学,美国文学,奥尼尔,悲剧精神
English Keywords:play literature,American literature,O'neill,tragedy spirit,
Fund Project:
ZHANG Yun-tao
摘要点击次数: 1029
全文下载次数: 4
      文章主要论述美国现代剧作家尤金·奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧精神的传承。文章首先分析了悲剧对古希腊人精神上的重要意义 ,接着讨论现代社会中 ,奥尼尔是如何在作品中体现古希腊悲剧精神的。文章批驳了一些评论家的观点 ,并从奥尼尔在剧作中高扬的超出物质实利的梦想 ,以及其悲剧主人公身上表现出的为梦想努力奋斗、勇于舍弃一切的精神和行动的力量两个方面 ,肯定了他剧作中的古希腊悲剧精神。
English Summary:
      This article mainly introduces Eugene O'neill,a contempory playwright of America,who made up his mind to carry on the spirit of Greek tragedy. At first,the discourse analyzes the huge meaning of the tragedy which had influenced the Greek deeply,then it discusses how O'neill embodied the spirit of the Greek tragedy in mordern time. The article comments on some points of the critics which denied the spirit in O'neill's plays.It recognizes O'neill's spirit from twq sides.On one hand,O'neill highlighted the "Hopeless hope" in dull daily life,on the other hand,the spirit of fighting for the hope,the courage of giving up anything for the hope and the strength of act which displays on his heroes and heroines led us to see that the soul of seeking for the hope exceeds the suffering and the death of the life,and it will hand down in the man spirit forever.
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