The Effect of Traditional Morality on the Law Education in Universities and Colleges
中文关键词:  传统道德,大学生,法制教育,影响,冲突
English Keywords:traditional morality,college students,law education,effect,conflict,
Fund Project:
TANG Ji-ang
摘要点击次数: 798
全文下载次数: 3
      中国传统道德是新时期高校思想政治教育取之不尽、用之不竭的精神文化资源。由于道德具有历史继承性 ,道德与法律既相互区别 ,又相互影响和相互作用 ,所以它对新时期高校法制教育产生深远而现实的影响。新时期法制教育既要继承传统道德精华 ,又要克服传统道德对法制教育的不利影响。
English Summary:
      China's traditional morality is the inexhaustible spiritual source for the thonght and politics education in universities and colleges.Owing to the historical inheritance of morality,law and morality differ from each other on one hand and on the other hand,they play a mutual interaction on each other,which has a far-reaching and practical effect on the law education.In new age the law education showld inherit the essence of traditional morality and overcome the negative effect.
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