Comparison of Mao Ze - dong''''s and Deng Xiao - ping''''s Thought of Political Parties'''' Relation
中文关键词:  毛泽东,邓小平,党际关系思想,比较
English Keywords:Mao Ze-dong,Deng Xiao-ping,thought of political parties'relation,comparison,
Fund Project:
XIAO Zong-zhi
摘要点击次数: 938
全文下载次数: 4
      文章从党际关系发展的目标、党际关系的准则、方针、实现形式以及国家关系与党际关系等五个方面 ,对毛泽东、邓小平关于党际关系的思想作了比较。结果表明 ,邓小平一方面科学地继承了毛泽东关于党际关系的基本思想 ,另一方面又根据变化的国内外条件赋予了新的内容 ,成为新时期中国共产党发展党际关系的指导思想。
English Summary:
      The paper compares Mao ze-dong with Deng xiao-ping on the thought of political parties'relation from five aspects including goal,principles,policies,forms as well as relation between country and political party.The reseach outcome shows that on one hand Deng xiao-ping succeed Mao ze-dong's thought of political parties'relation.On the other hand, according to the changing international situations Deng xiao-ping devolopes Mao ze-dong's thought by bestowing on new contents .These thoughts become the guidelines of CPC handling political parties'relation in new period.
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