Some Reflections on University Students'' Ideological and Law Education in Network
中文关键词:  高校,思想教育,法制教育,因特网络,信息辨别
English Keywords:Ideological and law education in universities and colleges,network,information analysis
Fund Project:
LIU Meng-lan  MO Shou-zhong
摘要点击次数: 761
全文下载次数: 2
      随着因特网的发展 ,网络上信息的内容日益呈现出其复杂性 ,世界观并没有完全形成的青年学生 ,很容易受到网上信息内容所隐含的意识形态的影响。正确辨别网络信息 ,正确对待网上游戏 ,抵制恶意信息流传 ,增强青年学生的自我控制能力 ,加强对他们的思想与法制教育 ,是高校实现人才培养目标的重要保证。
English Summary:
      The internet information becomes more and more complicated with the development of network. The young students without fully developing their world outlook are easily influenced by the implied ideology of internet information. So they should correctly differentiate the internet information, treat internet games with right attitude, resist the spread of evil information, strengthen self-control ability and ioleohgical and law education, which is the important garantee for achieving the goal of cultivating talents in universities and colleges.
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