Peaceful Liberation of Tibet and "One Country Two Systems" Policy
中文关键词:  “一国两制”,解放西藏,收回主权,地方制度不变,发展西藏
English Keywords:one country, two systems,liberation of Tibet,take back sovereign,unchangeable local system,developing Tibet.,
Fund Project:
LIU Guo-wu
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      根据中央和平解放西藏的指示 ,邓小平拟定了实行“一国两制”政策的“解放西藏公约十章”。中央政府以此为蓝本同西藏地方政府谈判签订了”十七条协议”。总的原则是 :西藏和平解放 ,中央统一管理国防与外交 ;西藏地方的政治制度不变。这一政策维护了国家的统一 ,促进了西藏的发展 ,为实行民族区域自治创造了条件。但西藏上层分裂势力于 195 9年发动叛乱 ,“一国两制”政策被迫中止实施。
English Summary:
      According to the instructions of peaceful liberation of Tibet by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiao-ping drafted "Pact of Ten Chapters of Liberation of Tibet" in which he pointed out the approaches of how to carry out the policy of "One country,two systems". On the basis of this, the pact of "Seventeen Agreements" was signed after negotiating with the local government of Tibet. The general principles were: Tibet will be liberated peacefully. The central government will govern national defense and foreign affairs. The local government of Tibet can continue its present political system. This policy guarded and maintained the unity of the country, promoted the development of all aspects of Tibet and created the conditions for the regional autonomy of minority nationalities. But the separating power of the high layer of Tibet rebelled in 1959, then"One Country, two systems"policy was forced to come to a stop.
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