From Advocating Democracy to Advocating War the Evolution of Sun Ke''s Political Attitude in 1940''s
中文关键词:  孙科,和平,内战
English Keywords:Sun Ke,peace,0civil war,
Fund Project:
ZOU Qiao-ling  ZHANG Xue-ji
摘要点击次数: 818
全文下载次数: 1
      在重庆谈判、政治协商会议前后 ,孙科致力于和平运动 ;在国民党六届二中全会前后 ,孙科不顾国民党强硬派的反对 ,仍争取国民党走向民主 ;但全面内战爆发后 ,孙科一改过去“亲苏和共”的主张 ,乞求美国援助国民党打内战。
English Summary:
      Just around the negotiations in chong-qing and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, SUN Ke devoted himself to peaceful movement; Around the two sessions of the sixth Kuomintang's national committee, SUN Ke strived to democracy; with no regard for opposition of the Kuomintang hardliner, but after the breakout of a full-scale civil war, SUN Ke changedhis proposition of "being close to the Soviet Union and the Communist Party" and implored the United States of America to help the Kuomintang to fight the civil war.
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