On the Orientation of Value of the Translating Criteria Concerning English Translation of Chinese Poetry
中文关键词:  汉诗,英译,翻译标准,价值取向
English Keywords:Chinese poetry,English translation,translating criteria,the orientation of value,
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      中国的翻译学从某种角度来讲是发展得很不平衡的 ,这体现在重口译、轻笔译 ,重外译汉、轻汉译外等方面。而且在汉英笔译中 ,译者们又往往各持己见 ,顺着自己的习惯、长项自定标准翻译 ,缺乏严谨的翻译要求、标准 ,这一点在汉诗英译中尤其表现突出。鉴此 ,笔者提出汉诗英译翻译标准应遵循的 5条逐级递进的价值取向 :形式吻合 ,内容准确 ;文字优美 ,照顾双语 ;音韵协调 ,体现诗美 ;意象传达 ,力求完整 ;神韵难求 ,不可不求。
English Summary:
      The development of Chinese translatology is unbalanced in a way. This reflects in the aspects as attaching more importance to oral interpretation but not written translation, to English into Chinese but not Chinese into English translation,etc. In Chinese into English translation, each translator usually sticks to his own view,and determines the criteria of translation according to his own habits and strong points, so there is much need for strict translation requirements and criteria. In view of this, the author puts forward five levels of the orientation of value which proceed one by one and should be followed by the translating criteria of English translation of Chinese poetry: coincident form and faithful content; graceful language and bilingual consideration; harmonious prosody and embodiment of poetic beauty; struggle for conveyance of imagery; persuit for a vivid touch of spirit.
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