Two Forces and Stage Analysis about the Evolution of Enterprise''''s Electronic Commercial
中文关键词:  竞争力,竞争优势,电子商务
English Keywords:competition ability,competition advantage,electronic commercial
Fund Project:
ZHOU Xiao-dong  XIANG Bao-hua
摘要点击次数: 713
全文下载次数: 2
      企业电子商务应用存在两种力量 ,即电子商务对提高企业竞争力的积极作用和企业电子商务应用面临的各种问题 ,它们共同决定了企业电子商务将分阶段演进。文章从战略角度分析了这两种力量 ,并提出企业电子商务应用将历经四个阶段 ,即电子商务初级阶段、电子商务实用阶段、电子商务一体化阶段和电子商务高级阶段。
English Summary:
      There are two forces to impel and obstruct the application of electronic commercial in enterprises, that is, the active effect of enhancing competition ability and the negative effect of all kinds of problems that will be confronted. Therefore, application of electronic commercial in enterprises is a long, multi-stage and evolutional process. The paper analyzes the two forces from the angle of strategy and puts forward four stages of electronic commercial in enterprises, that is,the elementary stage,the practical stage,the integral stage and the advanced stage.
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